If you are ambitious and dream of being your own boss the Catapult Course is for you. Sign up today and start making that dream a reality. You can do what you set your mind to if you have the right help!

Catapult is a 15-hour intensive training program that offers entrepreneurs and small business owners the basic knowledge and skills necessary to launch and grow their new business. This training is coupled with one-on-one coaching by business professionals who care about getting you to where you are trying to go.

Celebrate your Grand Opening too!

The Catapult Small Business Course offers:

  • Intentionally small class size.
  • A first-class faculty of experienced entrepreneurs and subject experts.
  • Two one-on-one sessions with your personal business coach.
  • Not a business plan – but a plan for doing business.
  • Classes held in the beautiful Overbrook Environmental Education Center with free on-street parking.
  • *Catapult Clusters

*Catapult Clusters comprised of complimentary businesses are formed after each class to insure that you have ongoing support from business owners like YOU!

It’s a new approach and we look forward to working with you! For more information or to have an application sent to you call (215) 883-1692.

Additional information on Pricing, Location and Faculty are included on this site.